Boost Your X-Score

X-Score can be amplified based by a rank multiplier, which is determined by the user's standing on the X-Score leaderboard. Additionally, this multiplier is influenced by the user's DestinyX account rank and various bonus promo multipliers that are awarded throughout the season.

  • Boost is the term used to categorize different types of multipliers.

  • Boosters are the promo codes used to activate Boosts

  • Active Boosts represent the combined impact of all boost categories, where each category is combined and multiplied together.

Types of Boost

  1. Player's PNL Rank:

    • Multiplier based on your Profit and Loss (PNL) Rank.

    • A higher PNL ranking means a larger multiplier.

  2. DestinyX Account Rank:

    • Multiplier based on DestinyX account rank.

    • Higher account ranks result in more substantial multipliers.

    • Account ranks include Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum etc.

  3. Crew Rank

    • Multiplier based on the total wager volume of the crew.

    • Recalculated daily using wager volume from the last two days.

    • Having a higher wager volume leads to a higher rank, which in turn results in a greater multiplier.

  4. Boosters (Codes) Promo Codes are given to players for various occasions.

Boost Calculations

  1. Boosts multipliers for Players:

    • DestinyX Account Rank Boost

    • PNL Rank Boost

    • Crew Rank Boost

    • Bonus Code Boost

  2. Boosts multipliers for Crews

    • Wager Volume Rank Boost

    • Bonus Code Boost (Boosters)

It's important to note that this Boost is specifically applied to X-Score points. In other words, it influences the number of X-Score points you earn or accumulate.

Last updated